Modes of Persuasion: Egos, Pathos, Logos

The modes of persuasion work together to create impact in any form of communication. I am going to take the example of the movie “Lagaan” and examine how these modes of persuasion coexist.

Logos • Logic

The movie describes the situation of British India, how unfair taxes were levied on the people and how they constantly fought with their colonial rulers. This is the basic historical spine upon which the movie has been made.

Pathos • Audience

The fight that the Indian village-folk put up against their oppressors, evokes a sense of rebellion and sparks patriotism in the audience. This keeps the audience engaged.

Egos • Writer

The writer puts to use his narration capabilities to bring together the logos and pathos factors together with the help of a story-line that is interesting and thrilling. He structures the story in such a way that does justice to the logical part while appealing to the audience.

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